SEO for 2023 from the book Demystifying the Google Algorithm

Wouldn’t it be financially life-changing if you could dominate your industry’s product or service by your website being top of the SERPs? The main purpose of this book is to demystify the SEO process and get you to page 1 of Google search results, thereby attracting more visitors to buy your product or service. Introducing “Demystifying the Google Algorithm” by Thomas Gordon Barker who has been a marketer and software developer for over 35 years.

What is search engine optimisation?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to improve its ranking and visibility in search engines. By improving the website’s ranking and visibility, the website is more likely to attract organic traffic.

Search Engines Background

In the 1990s when Yahoo and WebCrawler were the only search engines that mattered, the first Internet Webmasters were created out of Software Developers who were accomplished coders and thus understood search engine optimisation way back in the 1990’s. Even today, the technical skills required to optimise a website are best performed by Software Developers who understand the algorithms as well as how to develop a home page front-end suitable for ranking on Google SERP’s.

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